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My dear people, thank you for the inauguration of President Ola Dulat Lippi
Libya Org posted 7 years ago

I call on all the players beaten in the battle to liberate Tripoli
It needs the support told me and I will send him support
It's our moment should not miss it
Libya Org posted 7 years ago

Hello Fellow citizens
I have received org Account
I have created a new chat channel ... #ref.ly
I hope the players enter to communicate with each other
Libya Org posted 7 years ago

Interim Presidency
Due to my IRL Schedule i cant really run eLybia effectively as before.Unless there is no Other suitable choice.i will temporarily revoke the "Elect CP law" by Hussein_alhassi
Please VOTE NO (for now)
Also i would like to thank all Gold
Donors. although i only request 2.5 Gold many of us wants a better Libya. its safe on our Treasury
TY to supportrs
Inko Amifumi
Libya Org posted 7 years ago

Tripoli RW
Supplies are available for FREE @ Libya Org
Due to lack of preparation and IRL reasons. we cant have a very coordinated offensive.but try to win nonetheless
New Military Regulations and Orders will be sent soon
Congratulations to all Members of the Second Congress.lets build for a better eLybia
Inko Amifumi
In Behalf of the Interim President King of the Dead
Libya Org posted 7 years ago

Congrats (even for a loss)
Even we lost the Battle... i just want to congratulate all who participated.We were Outnumbered. Outgunned. and Outclassed but we prove that we can still par-to-par with a vastly superior enemy by COORDINATION and TIMING. to Compensate our lack of firepower
Congress Seat winners i encourage you to donate atleast a Part of Gold for our National Treasury
Inko Amifumi
Libya Org posted 7 years ago

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