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"I bring word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell.

An Alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together.

We come to honor that allegiance"
Legendary Generalissimuss
21 Level
39,379 Experience
918,386,396 Damage
8.8125 Economy skill
2220 Strength
Day 1 Birthday
4 / 25 National by XP
5 / 25 National by DMG
28 / 2,389 Global by XP
24 / 2,389 Global by DMG
Political office President of Niger
Military unit MU National Of Niger
Working at
Owned companies (26) See all companies

4,816 - 9,434
Critical hit:
9,632 - 18,868
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+5.07 %
+5.18 %
+5.01 %
+3.16 %
+3.38 %
Total critical hit chance
34.3 %
34.3 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-6.62 %
-7.02 %
-5.38 %
Overall miss chance
-6.52 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
5.0 %
5.0 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
+2.45 %
Free flight final chance
2.45 %
2.45 %
  • x2
  • x4
  • x6
  • x5
  • x840
  • x37
  • x28
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 110 of 270See all achievements
Friends (56)
Zinder attack opened. One hour window with 250% bonus dmg on round 3 with hospital and Ds. Make sure to win the battle 8-0 for Niger so we can reattack on last day. Enjoy !!
Haldir posted 7 years ago

Any Niger citizen who need supps to burn all his limits and medkits just say what u need and i will send to u. We will do a final battle with DSs and Hospitals to rank up, so we can use bunker as well.
Haldir posted 7 years ago

War with Cameroon has ended, because Cameroon was completely conquered
Haldir posted 7 years ago

Dont fight on Nile Delta, we give it back to Egypt.
Haldir posted 7 years ago

Remember there's is league today Save ur dmg for it
Haldir posted 7 years ago

Hi there Niger :3 Good times are coming to these lands !!
Haldir posted 7 years ago

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