Premium account
We want to be, the very best. Like no one ever waaaaas
Military unit
Cameroon Academy
Friends (255)
We have only food & some gifts left.
To everybody thanks for all the time you put in this server. & Good luck after the merge!
★ Cameroon Org posted 7 years ago PM or come to IRC for supplies guys o/
★ Cameroon Org posted 7 years ago To all of our congres members who have CS left to give away?
We have a few allies that would like to join in Let us know in the comments here
★ Cameroon Org posted 7 years ago If the monatary market will stay stabile like this the org will start offering sups on the market again for CM for close to Rtrade prices
★ Cameroon Org posted 7 years ago We have 9 regions where NPC's are up for the take Send me a PM if you want a region & ill show you the easy one
★ Cameroon Org posted 7 years ago If there are people wanted NPC's for there MU or personal just send a PM To org & will try to find you a region
★ Cameroon Org posted 7 years ago |